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Adapting Behaviour was created by Kelly Duggan in February 2021.

Kelly’s journey has been long and complicated. She has 3 children on the autism spectrum, some with sensory integration, ADHD and one struggles with mental wellness.

Kelly was a single parent for the majority of her children’s lives. She fought to understand their conditions, tried hard to make their world better, spent every penny she made on therapy them and even re-educated herself (a number of times) to be a better parent to her children. Kelly often felt alone and unsupported as well as criticized by strangers who didn’t live in her shoes.  She gets it!

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Kelly’s life changed a few years ago when she met and married a wonderful man, Andrew. Together, they have been working to support their children as well as a few they have collected off and on over the years. 

Like many parents, Kelly also struggled accessing services to meet her children’s diverse needs. In particular, finding a behaviour support practitioner with experience in autism, ADHD and specific mental health needs. After waiting a year to find one for her children, Kelly decided to study to become a positive behaviour support practitioner herself.

Andrew and Kelly also had a vision to be able to provide services to youth with similar struggles as their children. They are now registered providers under the NDIS to deliver a range of services (see Services Page).

Andrew and Kelly have both experienced carer fatigue and really understand the need to support the participant and their family. As a result, they have provided a range of services with no additional costs, low cost and adventure respite for participants with NDIS packages.

Kelly is a Registered Nurse and a Registered Behaviour Support Practitioner.

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