We aim to provide positive behaviour support interactions with all of our participants, all of the time.  We encourage a ‘do with’ approach rather than a ‘do for’, wherever we can.

We encourage all of our participants to learn new skills (cooking, catching transport, community engagement), facilitate and encourage new relationships with other participants and within the community.

As part of service delivery, we have access to a Registered Nurse (Community Nursing) to facilitate care in our Respite environment.  We are also approved to support participants with medication and complex behaviours with Restrictive Practice, if needed.  We are owned and operated by a very 'hands on' and NDIS approved Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner working with us to write behaviour support plans and support our staff

We support participants in the community, to develop life skills, access group activities and personal care.  We have the capacity to work with you to provide innovative community participation opportunities.  

We follow the NDIS Price Guide.

We are Registered NDIS Providers offering:

  • 0110 Behaviour Support (Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner)
  • 0136 Group/Centre Activities
  • 0125 Participate Community
  • 0116 Innov Community Participation
  • 0115 Daily Tasks/Shared Living
  • 0114 Community Nursing
  • 0108 Assist Travel/Transport
  • 0107 Assist-Personal Activities.
We are also registered to provide:
 Module 2a – Implementing Behaviour Support and 4.3 Management of Medication.

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